SOIS is the first cryptocurrency in pursuit of a better world through donations of funds to social entities that promote social welfare.

The SOIS cryptocurrency is able to provide donations where traditional financial institutions have difficulty taking them, through the decentralization provided by the blockchain.

Our Impact

Resources generated through transactions with the SOIS cryptocurrency will be reverted into donations to entities that promote social welfare.

What we do

We are a team of change agents who believe that every contribution can help one person and the global community. We began to extend help to social projects that benefit entities that promote social welfare. This momentum intensified when we discovered that there were many such underprivileged people who needed social justice. Our team expanded and we spread to different regions to ensure that we cover all possible areas and help as many people as possible. We now contribute to the most diverse global social projects. We have our helpline office, so you can approach us whenever you need us.

We Find & Fund

We are looking for opportunities to help as many people as possible. We approach and fund all those in need.

We Provide Care

People need to be provided with social care. This is where we take care of them, treating each one as the most important human being in the world.

We Educate

We support educational entities for disadvantaged children and youth in order to build a better future, and the promotion of the culture of giving among all people.

We Employ

We support organizations that employ people so that they can live with their families in dignity.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Holders expected
0 M+
Projects Benefited
0 +
Desired Funds
$ 0 B+
SOCIAL for donation
0 M+


Each transaction with SOIS will create resources to contribute to the benefiting entities, the main goal. In order for there to be balance and the cryptocurrency to be deflationary, there will be a scheduled burning of tokens. The distribution of tokens is detailed in the coin’s contract, which creates transparency and credibility. It also gives the cryptocurrency the status of being the first with a social bias in its contract. Every investor in the cryptocurrency will be contributing to the social cause.  In this way, all those who own SOIS will be agents of social transformation.

SOIS is a collective effort to make the world a better place. Our mission is to act in social projects, which make it possible to face critical challenges. We will activate the resources of cryptocurrency to educate, advise and assist entities, social entrepreneurs, impact investors and other entities focused on pursuing global social development goals.  Our vision is a system of solutions, affordable and sustainable, to contribute to solving social problems in the global community.

SOIS is able to deliver resources where traditional financial institutions find it difficult to take, through the decentralization provided by the blockchain.


To add the SOIS cryptocurrency to your Wallet use the following data:

Symbol: SOIS

Decimal: 18

Network: Smart Chain